
How to find and save passwords on your Android phone


Surfing the internet initially requires remembering each one of your passwords individually and typing them in manually. However, courtesy of password managers, signing in to sites without manually typing in passwords, keeping track of passwords and viewing them at any time is now possible. Provided that your Android phone has a Google Chrome browser and is linked to a Google account:

  • open the Chrome app and tap on the three-dot in the upper right
  • tap on Settings and click on Passwords on the pop-up list
  • the first switch at the top will turn password saving on or off. Auto sign-in is next. Leave both switches on to get these exceptional services.

The Google password manager got you covered by saving your password automatically and keeping track of all the passwords you use in the Google Chrome app. The same password could be used across several devices that have Google Chrome linked to that Google account.

To find, change, export or delete the passwords stored on your Android device:

  • open the Google Chrome browser on your Android device and tap the three dots in the top-right
  • tap Settings in the pop-up menu
  • tap Passwords in the next menu. You may need to enter your device lock password or provide a face or touch scan to verify your identity at this stage
  • you will be presented with a long list of websites, each having a username and password saved. Tap the site you wish to find your password, then tap the eye icon to reveal the password
  • to copy the password so you can paste it somewhere else, tap the icon that looks like two stacked squares next to it. The password will be copied to your phone's clipboard
  • to change the password, tap on the Password line at the end of the obscured password. Delete it and enter a new password. Tap on Done
  • to delete the password, tap on the trashcan icon at the top of the screen and delete it.

You can also check if your saved passwords have been compromised. Google’s Check passwords can run down your list of saved passwords and compare them securely against a list of accounts that are known to have been part of a data breach or which have shown up on sites where stolen passwords are listed. To verify:

  • on your Google Password Manager page, tap on Go to Password Checkup right above your list of saved passwords
  • tap on the blue Chech Passwords button
  • Google will display the results, and here, you will see a list of compromised passwords, reused passwords and weak passwords to deal with.