
How do the KRACK vulnerabilities in the WPA2 protocol affect you?


Who is affected by the KRACK vulnerability complex?Almost all Wi-Fi networks and virtually all devices connected to Wi-Fi work with the WPA2 protocol, which has KRACK vulnerabilities.

When using a public Wi-Fi network or your office network, you're at risk. The risk extends not only to your computers, laptops, cell phones and tablets, but to all devices using your Wi-Fi network, including your smart TV, smart fridge and even your smart door lock!

This is the first large and unprecedented vulnerability identified in Wi-Fi networks, which makes us all think about cybersecurity issues and additional data protection in today's Internet of Things world.

Toshiba SureMark 4610 printers (1NR, 2CR, 2NR models), many Cisco, Intel, DD-WRT, Netgear, TP-Link devices (among others), according to cybersecurity experts, are likely affected by KRACK vulnerabilities. Many major players in the IT industry are busy eliminating vulnerabilities or performing emergency software upgrades.

So how does KRACK in the WPA2 protocol affect you specifically?If your Wi-Fi network is compromised, your security is severely impacted because cyber criminals are able to exploit KRACK vulnerabilities in the WPA2 protocol and gain access to your personal data.

They can intercept your data or all the information that is sent or received through your Wi-Fi network.

They can penetrate all of your websites and/or other websites (except SSL encrypted sites that begin with https://)

By knowing your online interests, cybercriminals can monitor your traffic and be able to redirect it to fake websites to get your passwords, credit card data or other sensitive information.

How can you protect your personal information?Use a VPN on all your devices or on your Wi-Fi router.

Now, in this time of crisis, when the manufacturers of devices using Wi-Fi networks are busy eliminating the KRACK vulnerabilities, it's time that every Internet user should and can provide their own IT security.

The first and most important thing to do is to install a VPN and make sure the VPN connection is activated on all of your devices at all hours of the day. If you're using a Wi-Fi router, you can use a VPN on it, too. Unfortunately, not all routers support VPN connections; this can be a problem.

Do not use websites that are not protected by SSL encryption, and even more so, do not leave your data and confidential information on such sites.
Websites protected by SSL encryption always start with https:// and have a lock image next to the link. It is true that your data is safe on these sites, however, it is vulnerable on your network itself.
Will a Wi-Fi network password change help protect against KRACK?

Changing your password or even a fresh update of your router will not help. The only way to protect your Internet connection on an insecure Wi-Fi network is to encrypt your data and use a secure VPN tunnel.

A Virtual Private Network – VPN - creates an extra layer of security for your Internet connections. Today, when it has been discovered that most WI-FI networks are not secure, a VPN is the best means of protecting the security of your online transactions and personal data that you send or receive through the Internet.